
Target your ideal new patients

See historical new patient data

See local competition, income, and population to better run your marketing

Get an estimate cost per acquisition for your new patients

It’s easy to start running ads. But it’s not easy to make sure they reach the right audience. If you don’t target your campaign based on factors like income or population density, you’ll end up spending more than you should for results that disappoint.


We Use Maps Like This to Generate 1000s of New Patients Each Week

Your custom marketing maps will be just like the ones we make to deliver growth for our clients. But your set won’t cost you a dime.

Use Our Free Maps to Reach Your Ideal New Patients

Share your growth goals with us so we can do a free location analysis for your practice and make you a custom map set. Your maps will show you how to build your marketing to reach more qualified leads to fill your waiting room with your ideal patient type.

  • Highlight opportunities based on income and population density
  • Get a better understanding of your competition
  • Find ideal spots to add locations
  • Build a marketing campaign that delivers more value per dollar

“I don’t think we would have been nearly as successful without you guys. I feel like you took a 10-year process and you made it 3 years. You can’t put a price on that.”

— Alex Cherniavsky, co-owner, Blue Ridge Dentistry

Click here to watch Alex share more of his experience working with SMC.